Volunteers For Child Protection Training of Trainers (TOT) with Volunteers from different Academic Institutes of Twin-Cities on UNCRC and CO&R in Plan International Office, Islamabad
Volunteer for Child Protection (V4CP) Program: UGOOD in Collaboration with Plan International Conducted Training of Trainers (TOT) with the students of different universities ofTwin Cities on UNCRC and CO&R in Plan International Head Office in Islamabad.
United Global Organization of Development (UGOOD) and Plan International Pakistan have joined hands for training and capacity building of Volunteers through a project “Volunteers for Child Protection (V4CP)”. The analysis shows that the Laws and Constitutional guarantees for the Child Protection and Rights or Safeguarding Human Rights, particularly among vulnerable groups are in reality seldom upheld. As per findings of UGOOD’s Survey, it has been noticed with great concern that the number of Vagabond Children and Street Children in the Capital has sharply increased over past few years. The most significant reasons for such increase are the Natural or Human made disasters such as Floods, Earthquake, Internally Displaced People and worsening Security situation in the Northern parts of the Pakistan due to which millions of people have migrated from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Northern areas of Pakistan to Islamabad and its suburbs. These people have migrated to secure some employment and work for livelihood of their families but mostly failed to find such sources and thus increasing the number of unemployed in the City.
The children of families with highly insufficient resources are either made to work for themselves or they become beggars. These children are also vulnerable to various kinds of abuse and violation of Children Rights. Sometimes these children are used by criminals for their illegal activities like terrorism, drug, trafficking, theft etc. It is therefore, extremely important to Protect these Vulnerable Children from abuse and protecting them from becoming part of criminals activities.
Project Activities & Implementation Methodology
The purpose of this project is to select, organize and train groups of Volunteers from the community especially from Schools, Colleges and Universities, who shall be responsible to sensitize their respective community members over their roles and responsibilities regarding the Child Protection and Child Rights. The project activities are devised on to meet the objectives through the target groups that are Volunteers from high profile Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, community members and members of different NGOs. The theme of the project is to motivate and involve community members, especially Youth to actively contribute for Child Protection and secure the Children from Social Abuses.
The Volunteers shall collect data and report all cases of Children Rights and Protection’s Violations, Children Abuse and Children Crimes, where possible Volunteers shall make personal efforts to stop Child Abuse and in case of critical circumstances shall report the cases to either Law Enforcement Agencies or other relevant forums.
The project shall bring awareness about the fact that apparently a little and insignificant efforts from community members can actually bring a colossal change in our Society. The project shall be executed with the coordination of Islamabad Capital Territory Police and other relevant authorities. Volunteers for Child Protection (V4CP) Project is funded and supported by Plan International Pakistan.