Al-Noor Vocational Training Centre†to provide Skill Development Training to Rural Women in District Sialkot Village Gondal Project is Funded by Ministry of Women Development, Government of Pakistan.
November 2006 - UGOOD established “Al-NOOR Vocational Training Center” for Skill Development of Rural Women in Village Gondal of District Sialkot. Skills Development Program is designed for the socio-economic development of women from vulnerable and unprivileged communities. Program embodies with the approach to eradicate poverty among most neglected segment of the society by providing them employable skills, facilitation for home based income generating activities and developing market linkages. Project was funded by Ministry of Women Development- Government of Pakistan. So far more than 5,000 Women belonging to the remotest villages of District Sialkot have obtained different "Skilled Development" Trainings.
It is included in the ten year perspective Development plan 2001-2011, the objectives of the project is in line and in conformity with the ninth five year plan strategy. This project also compliments the objectives of the Women Development Vision and new initiatives and priority areas of the Public Sector Development Plan 2006-2007.
Al-Noor Skill Development Center is established in village Gondal, Tehsil and District Sialkot. Its main objective is to train the female of the area in various income generation skills along with creating awareness regarding various community issues. The proposed Centre shall offer 10 different courses. The duration of the courses shall be minimum 3 months with not more than 15 to 20 female shall be trained in one class. The courses shall be offered in morning and evening shifts keeping in view the capacity of the centre and convenience of the general public.
Following trades and related skills shall be introduced for the Female:-
1. Cutting and Stitching of the Cloth
2. Embroidery (Handmade & Machine Made)
3. Fabric Painting (Tie and Dye)
4. Painting (Oil, Water, Glass and Mirror)
5. Woodwork
6. Beauty Parlor for Training
7. Handicraft and Candle Making, Paper Moshe
8. Computer Training
9. Marketing, Procurement, and Accounting Skills
10. Photography and Video Training
It is expected that female after getting training from the Al-Noor Center can start their own small businesses with the help of others. They shall be trained in such a way that they can work together in the form of group and could pool their resources to create scenery. The organization shall make necessary arrangement in display center for the marketing of the products made by student of the Centre. The manager shall be responsible to visit the places and approach the target market. The Al-Noor Center shall also contain the Community Hall where exhibition shall be conducted and celebrities shall be invited on regular basis to encourage the trainees.
Moreover, weekly lectures on various social issues shall also be organized in the Communit Hall for the community mobilization regarding the status of women and women rights.
Despite of all these facts women possess a very low status in these areas basically due to their inability to contribute in the families income. There are no opportunities of earning for the women. Although there is a girl high school in the village but no technical education and skill development center is available. Due to this fact even the literate women cannot get any economic benefit of their education.
There is a strong tendency in the female to work and earn but the skill level and competency in the female is not up to the market standard, therefore, they get very nominal wages. This deficiency and skill gap could be minimized by providing appropriate training and skill enhancement opportunities to the women.
Social Empowerment is very closely linked with Economic Empowerment and if women are provided with the opportunities to earn for themselves and for their families, their social status can obviously be improved. All the skills which have been proposed for the Al-Noor Center are based on the marker demand analyses and it is expected that by learning these skills women can get an ample chance to enter the market and make money.
Pick and drop facility shall be provided for those female and trainers whom are coming from far off areas. Microcredit and soft loans shall be arranged for the highly skilled women who wanted to start their own business. The management shall contact with Trade Association, Sialkot Chamber and Boutique etc. to promote the work of Female Trainees.