Child Rights Governance (CRG), SIDA CSO Framework 2017 2021†in Pakistan through different Child Rights Networks.
January 01, 2017 - Save the Children Federation, Inc. (US) and Save the Children Pakistan has signed an agreement with UGOOD for “Child Rights Governance, SIDA CSO Framework 2017 2021” in Pakistan through different Child Rights Networks. Project is funded by SIDA and Save the Child Federation, Inc. (US).
UGOOD is hosted a National Secretariat of Child Rights Movement (CRM) in Islamabad with the support of Save The Children. CRM is a group of Civil Society Organizations which was established with a mission to create an enabling environment for the children through collective advocacy on Child Rights Issues. Our mission is “TO CREATE AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR CHILDREN THROUGH COLLECTIVE ADVOCACY ON CHILD RIGHTS ISSUES.” CRM’s Objective is to deal exploitative and abusive situation of children in Pakistan, a group of likeminded NGOs realized that there is an urgent need to start a Child Rights Movement in the country to tackle the widespread violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children. The movement could not be created without the active participation of all civil society actors coming together on a single forum. It is also important to note that countries where comparative progress has been made to address children's issues have done it through strong civil society advocacy monitoring and by working collectively towards a common goal. The Child Rights Movement (CRM) was established with the aim to work jointly for the promotion and protection of child rights in Pakistan.
Child Rights Movement is strongly advocating for the formation of an independent Child Rights Commission in Pakistan to propose the further legislation, implementation of existing laws, and monitor the overall situation of child rights. Policy Makers and Parliamentarians are agreed and showed their keen interest in the formation of Child Rights Commission. Findings of Budgetary Allocation study will help line departments to develop their budget plans with the lens of Child Right and CRM as a Network play a vital/watchdog roll to ensure the sufficient Budgetary Allocation for the enactment of legislation and formation of independent Child Rights Commission in Pakistan.
Children remain a less prior area always for Govt. but after the 18th Constitutional Amendment the burden to legislate on the children issues lies with Provincial Government, the most of laws are vague and are not being implemented as it should be, as well as there is much important legislation is also pending which can bring the change in lives of common children, Child Right Movement has successfully created the momentum and has pushed the agenda of Child Right forward and with the introduction of proposed legislative steps there would definitely be the positive impact on the lives of Children. For example Restriction of children employment ordinance 2016 and The Punjab Prohibition of child labour at brick kilns Act 2016 will protect the childhood of children and they can focus on free and compulsory education and can enjoy their basic rights. Their lives will protected and safe from any kind of harm, abuse and discrimination, The rules of The Punjab protection of breast-feeding and child nutrition (amendment) act 2012 will help provide a chance to newborns to enjoy their most basic right for ensuring their health and survival. Child Rights Movement also is advocating for Child Rights agenda and has successfully made it realized to the policy makers through continuous follow up of CRM Interventions with the support of CRM Provincial Chapters.