UGOOD launched the Sustainable Assistance for Income Fostering-SAIF Program a Micro Finance Model under UGOOD Rural Support Program
It is a moment of pride and honor for UGOOD to launch the first ever "Sustainable Assistance for Income Fostering-SAIF" Micro Credit Model under UGOOD Rural Support Program (UGOOD-RSP) for deprived and unprivileged women in district Lakki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa.
SAIF Program has been supported and sponsored by Mr. Anwar Saifullah Khan, the Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) and Chairman of Group of SAIF Companies.
Brief Introduction of the SAIF Project
UGOOD's present Micro finance Project is located in the rural area of District Lakki Marwat, Pakhtoonkhwa, which is famous for its livestock rearing and production; while local communities are involved in this profession since centuries and posses' valuable indigenous knowledge and expertise in this respect. However, being a remote rural area, people especially women do not have access to livestock development trainings & micro finance facilities that could enable them to adopt livestock as their core business on sustainable basis.
UGOOD's SAIF Micro-Finance Model involves targeted communities in livestock rearing and production by advancing small loans to poor & needy women to purchase Lambs & Goats (of 9 to 12 months age), for fattening purpose, by providing them specially prepared food for 90 days, the ingredients of which would be inexpensive and locally available.
After the fattening period, the animal is likely to gain 70 to 80% additional live weight. The animal at this stage is sold out in the open market where its sale price almost doubles, compared to its purchase price. All such business transactions are proposed to be carried out on 50:50 / 40:60 profit & loss-sharing basis between the investor and borrower.
UGOOD also plans to train women in different sectors of development to make them both economically & socially empowered by polishing their human resource through trainings.
Object of the SAIF Project
Establishment of a Micro-Enterprise Project for vulnerable classes of the society, especially poor & needy women.
Advance Finance of 2.5 Million to 125 women; each receiving Rs. 20,000 for purchasing. lambs & ingredients to prepare supplementary feed for fattening purpose.
Identify approximately 125 rural women to receive training in the care and fattening of lambs.
Train participants in small business entrepreneurship skills.
Help borrowers in purchasing and distributing lambs to participating women.
Conducts regular follow up and provide technical assistance to participants as required.
Conducts 12 institutional strengthening trainings in the targeted community.
Conducts 12 trainings on the legal rights of women in the targeted community.
Conducts 12 trainings on women's participation in decision making and women's empowerment.
Demonstrates that the Micro-Enterprise Project has helped women address needs stemming out from poverty & remorselessness.
Demonstrates that women feel more empowered and are participating more in the community decision-making process; and that the community is more aware of women's legal rights.