UGOOD response to devastated Flood hit district Swat on February 10-15, 2011. UGOOD teams established Medical & Vaccination Camps and distributed Warm
UGOOD response to devastated Flood hit district Swat on February 10-15, 2011. UGOOD teams established Medical & Vaccination Camps and distributed Warm Cloth, Warm Quilts, Water Filters and Cookies for Children. Since July 21st , Pakistan has experienced some of the worst floods since 1929, sweeping away key infrastructures in numerous locations, including bridges, roads and access routes especially in district SWAT of Province Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa worsening the situation of vulnerable communities. 1. United Global Organization Of Development-UGOOD and Al Nur-Licht, Germany distributed "WATER FILTERS" in Flood smashed Union Council Bahrain of district Swat on February 10, 2011. 2. United Global Organization Of Development-UGOOD and Al Nur-Licht, Germany in collaboration with MRDO established "FREE MEDICAL" Camps in severely Flood damaged Union Councils Mankyal & Beshingram of district Swat on February 11, 2011. 3. United Global Organization Of Development-UGOOD along with Al Nur-Licht, Germany and MRDO distributed "WARM CLOTHS" for Children in severely Flood hit Union Councils Fatehpur & Miadam of district Swat on February 12, 2011. 4. United Global Organization Of Development-UGOOD along with Al Nur-Licht, Germany and MRDO distributed Chocolates, Biscuits and candies among Children in Flood affected village Shahgram, Union Council Tirat of district Swat on February 13, 2011. 5. United Global Organization Of Development-UGOOD along with Al Nur-Licht, Germany and MRDO distributed Quilts in devasted Flood affected Unions Councils Tirat & Madyan of district SWAT on February 14, 2011.