UGOOD Response to Flood 2014
UGOOD Response to Flood 2014 Countrywide heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan have triggered flash floods, claimed the lives of hundreds of people and rendered thousands homeless since September 05, 2014 particularly districts on the bank of river Chenab, Tavi and Sutlug. Hundrads of villages are drowned in District Sialkot, Gujranwala, Kasur and the southern Punjab Districts. The Rains have also led to an extensive loss of crops, property and livelihoods, and caused widespread damages to infrastructure. Roads leading to various areas in the district Sialkot have been swept away, electricity supply has been interrupted, and thousands of people are in need of Food & Temporary Shelter. Below is a brief description of the devastation caused by floods 1. More than 220 deaths claimed due to Monsoon Rain and Floods. 2. Thousands of affected dislocated/displaced or forced to move. 3. Extension loss of Agriculture Lands and Properties. 4. Livelihood and Infrastructures Ruined. 5. Roads leading to various areas in the districts have been swept away. 6. Infrastructure particularly roads destroyed 7. Malaria, diarrhea, gastrointestinal and skin diseases have been reported. 8. Electricity supply has been interrupted, and 9. Thousands of people are in need of Food, Shelter and Medication. UGOOD ‘s Emergency Response Team (UGOOD-ERT) with the help of UGOOD Sialkot Office immediately started providing Emergency Relief to the population effected by Floods in collaboration with District Authorities . Following activities are being undertaken in the flood affected areas by UGOOD 1. Evacuation of people 2. Distribution of First Aid to the affectees 3. Establishment of Medical Camps 4. Vaccination to Animals 5. Provision of Cooked food for people Following are immediate requirements for UGOOD’s Emergency Relief Program for Flood Victims 1. Medical Camps/ Medicines 2. Dry Rations/Food Bags 3. Bottle Water 4. Hygiene kits 5. Temporary Shelters/Tents 6. Volunteers Anyone of you can contribute and help the poor victims by donating Cash or Food Items, Medicines, Tents and Hygiene Items. Volunteers are also welcomed to carry out Relief activities. We also require Ambulances and Water Boats to effectively carry out our Medical and Emergency Relief Activities. UGOOD team is available 24/7 to assist you and provide support in delivering your donations to the deserving people in the best possible manner. UGOOD is registered since 2003 as a nonprofit and non political Organization. During Peace and any Disasters occurred in anywhere in Pakistan, UGOOD has a verifiable track record of Social Sector Projects, details of which can be accessed through our website www.ugood.org . UGOOD has also played active role during any Disaster or Emergency, anywhere in Pakistan such as: 1- Earthquake of Kashmir and Northern Pakistan on October 8, 2005. 2- Earthquake of Baluchistan on October 29, 2008. 3- Largest IDPs catastrophe of FATA, Khyber & Kurram Agencies on May 06, 2009. 4- Air Blue Plan crash in Margalah Hills in Islamabad on July 28, 2010 5- Massive Flooding caused by Record Breaking Rains on August 20, 2010. 6- The worse Internally Displaced People (IDPs) Crises on September 16, 2010. 7- Heavy Monsoon Rains and Devastating Floods of September 05, 2011 8- Tornado/Twister hit the outskirts of District Sialkot on March 19, 2011 9- Bhoja Airline Plan crash in Islamabad on April 20, 2012. 10- Havoc Rains and Devastating Floods on September 10, 2012 UGOOD provided Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation to thousands of people with the help of its Volunteers. UGOOD has a panel of 80 Volunteer Doctors across Pakistan and a Network of more than 5,000 Volunteers, who actively contribute for Emergency Relief activities when and where required. In District Sialkot that has been severely affected by recent Monsoon Rains & floods 2014, UGOOD has a very strong presence. UGOOD established a "Vocational Training Center" in village Gondal of District Sialkot (A joint project of Ministry of Women Development, Government of Pakistan and UGOOD) where more than 5000 women have obtained training on Vocational Skills during past 5 years. UGOOD has a strong infrastructural support available in Sialkot to carry out Relief and Rehabilitation activities in District Sialkot and its surroundings. We only need your support and cooperation to continue our work for the betterment of human being at all levels. If you have any query or needed further information regarding Monsoon rains & Flooding of September 2014 please feel free to ask. Help Lines are available: Tell: +92 51 236 1161 Tell: +92 51 236 1162 Fax: +92 51 236 1163 Cell: +92 300 500 5989